Greetings, readers.
I think I know how Cy Sun must feel right about now.
Several years ago, I had a phone call from the Superintendent of the Auburn School District. She was quite distraught. There had been an awards ceremony –the first of its kind, and it involved an honor bestowed in the name of my wife, Betty Smith, a school board member for 10 years. She died in 2002 due to complications from a stem cell transplant to cure her lymphoma, cancer of the lymph system.
Betty, a school social worker, had been active in the Auburn-Pacific community. She had worked on the library board, spearheaded the Alpac Boosters Club (which later became the Alpac PTA), chaired the planning commission, and from there was appointed to fill a school board vacancy, and subsequently elected twice. While on the board she worked to improve cooperation among small local governments by helping create the Auburn Cities and Schools Forum. In response to the Columbine High School massacre, she promoted creation of Auburn School District's annual Reaching Out Fair. The Betty Smith Spirit of Education Award was given annually to people who had contributed to supporting community.
The Auburn School Superintendent was distraught because, after the award was presented, someone had the presence of mind to ask, "Why wasn't Robert here tonight?" The follow-up question: "did anyone think to invite him?"
The superintendent's voice said it all—she was humiliated and deeply apologetic for an incredibly demeaning oversight. I realized what had happened and told her it was not her fault. I knew that the person who began the process that led to creation of the award was puffing himself up and riding on her coattails. Remembering the man who was married to her for 31 years was not on his agenda.
It appears that the same quality of insult may have been delivered this week to Cy Sun, mayor of Pacific. I’m under the impression that no-one invited him to participate in Pacific Days this year. Yes, he has made a number of individuals angry with his approach to cleaning house at city hall, and yes, he undoubtedly has made some grievous errors. But not even providing him the opportunity to make an appearance –which offers at least the remote possibility to start mending fences—just looks mean, and throws gasoline on the fire.
I don't know whether an apology would be accepted, but if he wasn’t invited, and if there is anyone who has any sense, that individual will scramble to sincerely offer one. And the sooner the better.
And speak loud and clear, because while Mr. Sun was earning his war medals, the grenade that didn't kill him nevertheless badly damaged his hearing. For those of you who don't suffer hearing loss, you don't have the remotest idea of how debilitating and isolating that condition can be.
Next subject:
I have questions about the possible recall of Mayor Sun, which would have the effect of throwing out the voters' decision in last fall's election.
- Who are the donors, how much are they giving, and how do they stand to benefit? I challenge my journalist friend, Jeanne Fancher, who publishes the Pacific City Signal, ( to ask the same questions and publish the answers.
- Who's waiting in the wings to snatch the mayor's seat, and could that person have paid more attention to the abuses that got Mr. Sun elected?
- Do you believe the recall will prevent the city from losing its insurance Dec. 31? If so, why?
- How is this recall going to build a better community?
Your response is invited.
In your article you state "It appears that the same quality of insult may have been delivered this week to Cy Sun, mayor of Pacific. I’m under the impression that no-one invited him to participate in Pacific Days this year". and "I don't know whether an apology would be accepted, but if he wasn’t invited..."
ReplyDeleteAs a journalist shouldn't you find out if Mayor Sun was invited prior to having feelings of similarity for him? Perhaps he was invited but chose to not attend a function where his presence could have become a distraction by focusing attention away from the event and onto himself (not intentionally)rather than begin fence-mending. How about sharing lunch with the seniors at the center one day, or Stone Soup on Monday or help with the once a month distribution a pet food, if the program is still offered. Little things where he could show his human and caring side. Just my opinion.
While I'm not one of the organizers of Pacific Days, I know the Mayor was publicly invited to participate the same way I was, at a Council meeting.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a Pacific Partnerships member, but when I asked, before registering for the parade myself, I was told he'd been invited to be Grand Marshall. (But again, I'm not one of the organizers.)
The organizers of Pacific Days do yeoman's work for very little recognition -- I'd hate to think they're being unnecessarily called on the carpet if the Mayor didn't take them up on an invitation that actually was extended.
(Josh Putnam is a member of the city council.)
DeleteThank you, Josh. My information comes from a source who spoke with Mr. Sun. It may be incorrect, and I'm open to correction. Now let me put a question to you: If an invitation was extended at city council, was it acknowledged? As a person with a hearing loss, and having been around people with hearing losses, I can understand that the invitation may have been extended but not understood. Based on what I've observed, I'm inclined to defer to your recollection, but also to suspect that Mr. Sun didn't hear the invitation. All the more reason to contact him and lay this issue to rest. I very much appreciate your quick response, because it facilitates the possibility of reconciliation.
I cannot say whether Mayor Sun read and remembered them, but I have confirmed that he received at least two emailed invitations in addition to the personal invitation and registration forms distributed at Council.
DeleteCouncil is well aware of the Mayor's hearing loss, you may have noticed at recent meetings the PA system is turned up almost to the point of feedback, Councilmember McMahan sits next to the Mayor and provides written checklists and notes on proceedings, the Mayor and Council President Guier trade positions at workshops so she's next to his good ear, etc.
Not all testimony gets as directly into a microphone as it might, but we are trying to make the meetings as audible as possible for the Mayor (and for Council members who also have hearing loss issues.)
Thank you for responding, Cynthia, and for including your name. You make some good points. I think my information is accurate, and I'd like to make a good-faith counter suggestion. Why don't YOU contact Mayor Sun and ask him whether it's true that he wasn't invited. If he wasn't, maybe a few kind words from a stranger might help. And maybe you might offer to accompany him to the senior center and introduce him to the folks there. Keep in mind his hearing loss, and set up a situation where they can talk about ordinary things and see whether they can find some values in common. It takes more than me to build community. People like you, who have the courage to identify themselves, can make a more important contribution. It takes a village....
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DeleteI don't think Cy Sun is being given a fair chance. He just got his seat for crying out loud. Cleaning up another person's mess takes time. Instead of putting all the blame on him why don't these people try to pitch in and help clean up the city. If the city council can't be on the same page with it's mayor at least half the time then they should be replaced. After all we voted him to be the boss. We voted him to make decisions for our city/town. What is happening in this country lately is too much spending and from what we read (letter mailed a few months back from Cy what he has been doing and done) he saved the city a lot of money. That incident involving the city clerks office, sound pretty shady to me. Keeping the Mayor out of the City;s office is unheard of. Is there something in there that the city council does not want the people of Pacific to know much less Cy Sun, as he will expose them? I read blogs about community events being held and how much people come together. Well, I have yet to see that aside from Pacific Days which really is nothing to brag about been to better ones in my time in other cities, heck I have been to better neighborhood block parties where you actually meet your neighbor and chit chat with them. I have been a Pacific resident for over 6 years and I can honestly say I only know one neighbor. People here are not as friendly as this other blog make them out to be. People here are inconsiderate especially those that walk their dogs and do not have the common curiosity to pick up their dogs crap. Not only do you see it on people's yards but right on the sidewalk. (try walking at night). One can be staring them in the eyes while their dog is doing his business and they will still walk away. This is one of my biggest pet peeves. I walk 2 dogs myself and believe me it is so easy to have plastic bags to pick the poop up. If the city wants to do something for the school and the kids there why not build and awning so the kids do not get wet while waiting to load the school buses. How about some speed humps down Milwaukee, seems people around here have no clue what it means to see someone in a cross walk waiting for them to actually STOP to cross. (have had too many close calls myself because they refused to slow down and stop). The school zone speed limit should be 15 instead of 20. This is the first state I have been to and it is 20. At cross walks where are the signs that say or show that people cross there. Believe me people here are not as friendly as everybody here makes them out to be. Living in a world of corruption is getting old and tiring so yes it was a relief to hear someone was interested in doing that. Do we like paying taxes more then we should on our property? Of course not for one we have no children nor plan to nor plan to stay in this town much longer then we have to. I know I am going all over the place here. I understand about kids not having decent meals each day. But seriously if one is running a day care business and they get paid for this as well as to feed that child they are to be taking care of. Why should the city of Pacific be the one to feed them during the summer with the summer lunch program? I understand that there are children who need this because for whatever reason but seeing those day care buses unloading those kids for lunch is and should be unacceptable. If I was one of those mothers who entrust my child to that day care I would be livid to know that she was taking my child elsewhere for lunch instead of feeding them where I have dropped them of for care. Activities for children, there really isn't any and if there is why does signing up a kids to play baseball or soccer need to be so much? This is why kids do nothing because parents can't afford putting their kids in city sports.