All wars have consequences. One of them has to do with truth, which is war's first casualty. There has been a convenient un-truth that has been bandied about, following the election of Cy Sun– the claim that Pacific has been this idyllic little city that was destroyed by a barbarian who kind of came up out of the ground when no-one was looking. If the voters believe that un-truth, they are only putting off the inevitable.
Erickson Sun Hildreth
So here's a homework assignment for everyone who cares: Over the past 12 years, the City of Pacific has had three mayors, pictured above: Howard Erickson, Cy Sun, Richard Hildreth. Write a 2,000-word essay on how the actions of these three mayors over that 12-year period converged to lead this government to the brink of extinction. Describe the contribution of each one and assign to each man his share of the blame for his role in bringing down the city.
Focus too much on the scape-goat, and you may end up right back where you started.
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